Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Forum Podcasts

Helping Alaskan Youth in Need - Amanda Metivier & Heidi Huppert

May 12, 2024 Amanda Metivier, Facing Foster Care AK, Heidi Huppert, Covenant House Alaska Season 2024 Episode 512

Amanda Metivier is an alumnus of Alaska's foster care system. Amanda and a group of foster youth/alumni co-founded Facing Foster Care in Alaska in 2003. Through her advocacy with FFCA, She has led efforts to expand services and support for foster youth across Alaska. Amanda is the Director of the Child Welfare Academy, overseeing the training of child welfare staff and the Office of Youth Empowerment (OYE), a partnership of the Child Welfare Academy and FFCA. She spent a decade managing the college fund for foster youth & provides training for child welfare staff & allies. She was a foster parent for 15 years and has adopted from foster care. Amanda has been recognized for her work to amplify youth voices and share her own experiences. She received the Casey Excellence for Children Award, was named one of Alaska's Top 40 Under 40, was recognized by Alaska Children Trust as a Champion for Kids, was honored by the YWCA as a Woman of Achievement,  was named one of Treehouse Foundation's Champions for Re-Envisioning Foster Care in America in 2020, and was recognized by the University of Alaska Anchorage as an Alumni of Distinction in 2021.

Heidi Huppert (she/her) is a life-long Alaskan and social work veteran of over twenty years. Heidi is the Chief Program Officer for Covenant House Alaska and a subject matter expert in human trafficking, ethical storytelling, and youth experiencing homelessness.  Heidi's passion for this work comes from her own experience as a young person experiencing homelessness. Heidi has been featured in several publications, panels, and public appearances for her lived experiences. Heidi received a Bachelors in Social Work and Anthropology from UAA.  She was a 2021 40 under 40 award recipient and recognized by the Alaska Legislature for her work. Heidi graduated from the FBI Citizens Academy in 2021 and served on their board until 2024. On her off-time, Heidi cannot be found as she usually travels in the woods or hides in her art studio. Heidi is known as a mischief engineer, a friend of dogs and lover of science fiction.

Slides -

Facing Foster Care AK website -

Covenant House AK website -